So very sad, but in my heart I know this is true. I've lived 6+ decades and never imagined that we'd be here. Many of us, myself included, learned too late that democracy is not a spectator sport.
My House of Representative is Congressman Lloyd Scmucker. He has always supported Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid cuts. What I am most angry about is that he and every Republican in Congress, is their total lack of responsibility to enforce and protect the Constitution of the United States. Trump has ignored his position as defined in our Constitution and everyone acts like it's okay. What the hell is wrong with these Representatives? And the people who voted him into office? Well they're the ones who will pay most for their blind loyalty. That may be alright with them, but I am not one bit happy about this and Scmucker will keep getting emails from me until he is out of office, or Trump is. I can honestly say thank God for half terms. Scmucker has been in office too long and ignores the voice of the people, I hope we can get more than just enough Democrats into office because we need to stop the moron and his billionaire boobie.
I too was a government lawyer and I felt the whole system cracking way back in May 2017 when Trump fired Comey. I was at work and thought, well this is it. It’s actually happening. It has continued to happen for 8 more years and now we are at outright defiance of a court order as well as multiple instances of autocratic takeovers and sudden renditions without even a nod toward due process with no repercussions but instead righteous hosannas from the regime and its loud propaganda outlets. I don’t know what the USA will look like as a post-democracy. It’s not looking good.
It is shocking how the Republican legislators - both in he House and the Senate - would sit back and do nothing about the rule of law. They are elected to represent ALL consitutuents in their district, not just the ones who agree with them. I understand they are scared (isn't that sad that they're so afraid of Donald Trump, that mentally unstable man-child?), but come on - grow some balls, band together, and shut down this unequivocal undemocratic takeover by a wannabe-dictator. The fact that 271 men and women (total number of Republicans in the House and Senate) are sitting there twiddling their thumbs while democracy burns on their watch is unfathomable to me. But it's happening. No matter how many phone calls I make to my ruby red Republican congressman and Senators (FL), they will not speak up. But somewhere in one of your states, maybe they will. Now is the time to urge every Repblican to get off their ass and speak out. They're on the wrong side of history.
Sally, I'm also in FL and so sick from calling my deplorable senators and my rep, Byron Donalds, pleading for them to wake up and fight back against Trump. Not only are they under Trump's spell, they are replicating his tyranny in the state, as is our governor. The Fort Myers City Council voted against an issue on Monday that Byron and DeSantis wanted to pass. Now the governor and the governor wannabe are threatening those who voted against it with removal and investigations.
The beauty of Substack’s podcasts is that the Comment section can be used by WE the People to make our issues known It’s like a marketplace for ideas around policy as well as responding to the podcast about the most recent shiny object that Trump throws out to distract us from what the Nazis(aka Republicans) are doing This has always been a problem with MSCM(mainstream corporate media) where the dictation of what’s covered doesn’t often deal with relevant issues for the People
This can lead to a rich dialogue that MSCM could never hope to achieve because of the way the media is produced It’s time to put this type of production to bed Maddow’s approach to call to our attention matters that are important by stepping back and seeing the forest instead of the trees
Hint Hint Podcasters should consider opening their lenses to wider range of topics that
Domestic issues like threats to free and fair elections, affordable housing, dealing with inflation, raising minimum wage and others can help guide podcasters and elected officials to discuss these relevant topics with experts in their respective fields And foreign policy that impacts the country’s security
So, there you have it: "the day the music died". Wonder if Don McLean is up to writing a song about the end of our country. Or did he already do so: "Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry" (i.e., the judiciary lost all its power); "Them good old boys was drinking whiskey and rye, singin' 'This'll be the day that I die'"
What can we do to stem the tide? I don't think it's too late but as a normal citizen, I don't know what to do to prevent it from getting any worse. Let me know if I need to become June from "The Handsmaid Tale" and lead a rebellion. I need to feel like this isn't hopeless.
You can start by calling your Reps, Senators, from either party and expressing your opinion. Try the "5 calls" app. Also you can show up at their district office in person.
Also, calling on the 5 calls app is great, but call district offices close to where you live as well. The GOP offices may not take your call... but calling the district offices rattles those fuckers. So do it.
Surely it must be clear that the reason why things held up this long was because we had leaders who recognized the line that shouldn't be crossed. Also, agencies were staffed with people who wouldn't cross any line. Other than impeachment and conviction, there never has been any barrier to this.
It seems to me the way forward is 1) electing a new president committed to the rule of law, 2) holding those people who violated the law, and are not subject to some form of immunity, accountable for their unlawful actions. This might go down to the level of individual employees who violated the law. "Following orders" is not an excuse or a defense. Finally, 3) in principle, if things get bad enough, we should not give up on the possibility of impeachment and conviction. Or at least impeachment after 2026. Even if this seems politically inconvenient or unlikely to result in removal, the moment requires impeachment proceedings.
The Democrats need to give daily press briefings and need to draft Articles of Impeachment. Citizens need to take to the streets and call it out for what it is. We still have agency to fight these undemocratic actions.
Thank you for this!!! As a government lawyer, I did feel the rupture. WHERE ARE OUR LEADERS? I've had cheap suits that didn't fold as fast as Chuck Schumer. What can we do? We need to get out on the streets. Check out for April 5 protests across the country. Our country has asked so little of so many of us. Please raise your voice.
Thanks for this, Ginny, but note that is the correct link. And you remind us all of JFK's famous pronouncement, never more critical than NOW:
"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man."
"For the first time in modern American history, a sitting president openly defied a direct federal court order—and nothing happened. No intervention. No enforcement. No consequences. A legal ruling was issued, and the White House simply ignored it."
Where is the legislature on this? Impeach him. Let Congress go on record about whether the president (executive branch) can defy an oral and written court order.
America is descending into the rule of one man over the rule of laws. The laws are being ignored all in service to one man. And the people under that man have only one purpose - to serve him and do his bidding and NOT serve America or the American people. This will continue until the American people say enough and take back America.
So very sad, but in my heart I know this is true. I've lived 6+ decades and never imagined that we'd be here. Many of us, myself included, learned too late that democracy is not a spectator sport.
My House of Representative is Congressman Lloyd Scmucker. He has always supported Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid cuts. What I am most angry about is that he and every Republican in Congress, is their total lack of responsibility to enforce and protect the Constitution of the United States. Trump has ignored his position as defined in our Constitution and everyone acts like it's okay. What the hell is wrong with these Representatives? And the people who voted him into office? Well they're the ones who will pay most for their blind loyalty. That may be alright with them, but I am not one bit happy about this and Scmucker will keep getting emails from me until he is out of office, or Trump is. I can honestly say thank God for half terms. Scmucker has been in office too long and ignores the voice of the people, I hope we can get more than just enough Democrats into office because we need to stop the moron and his billionaire boobie.
I too was a government lawyer and I felt the whole system cracking way back in May 2017 when Trump fired Comey. I was at work and thought, well this is it. It’s actually happening. It has continued to happen for 8 more years and now we are at outright defiance of a court order as well as multiple instances of autocratic takeovers and sudden renditions without even a nod toward due process with no repercussions but instead righteous hosannas from the regime and its loud propaganda outlets. I don’t know what the USA will look like as a post-democracy. It’s not looking good.
It is shocking how the Republican legislators - both in he House and the Senate - would sit back and do nothing about the rule of law. They are elected to represent ALL consitutuents in their district, not just the ones who agree with them. I understand they are scared (isn't that sad that they're so afraid of Donald Trump, that mentally unstable man-child?), but come on - grow some balls, band together, and shut down this unequivocal undemocratic takeover by a wannabe-dictator. The fact that 271 men and women (total number of Republicans in the House and Senate) are sitting there twiddling their thumbs while democracy burns on their watch is unfathomable to me. But it's happening. No matter how many phone calls I make to my ruby red Republican congressman and Senators (FL), they will not speak up. But somewhere in one of your states, maybe they will. Now is the time to urge every Repblican to get off their ass and speak out. They're on the wrong side of history.
Sally, I'm also in FL and so sick from calling my deplorable senators and my rep, Byron Donalds, pleading for them to wake up and fight back against Trump. Not only are they under Trump's spell, they are replicating his tyranny in the state, as is our governor. The Fort Myers City Council voted against an issue on Monday that Byron and DeSantis wanted to pass. Now the governor and the governor wannabe are threatening those who voted against it with removal and investigations.
The beauty of Substack’s podcasts is that the Comment section can be used by WE the People to make our issues known It’s like a marketplace for ideas around policy as well as responding to the podcast about the most recent shiny object that Trump throws out to distract us from what the Nazis(aka Republicans) are doing This has always been a problem with MSCM(mainstream corporate media) where the dictation of what’s covered doesn’t often deal with relevant issues for the People
This can lead to a rich dialogue that MSCM could never hope to achieve because of the way the media is produced It’s time to put this type of production to bed Maddow’s approach to call to our attention matters that are important by stepping back and seeing the forest instead of the trees
Hint Hint Podcasters should consider opening their lenses to wider range of topics that
Domestic issues like threats to free and fair elections, affordable housing, dealing with inflation, raising minimum wage and others can help guide podcasters and elected officials to discuss these relevant topics with experts in their respective fields And foreign policy that impacts the country’s security
So, there you have it: "the day the music died". Wonder if Don McLean is up to writing a song about the end of our country. Or did he already do so: "Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry" (i.e., the judiciary lost all its power); "Them good old boys was drinking whiskey and rye, singin' 'This'll be the day that I die'"
No further explanation needed.
What can we do to stem the tide? I don't think it's too late but as a normal citizen, I don't know what to do to prevent it from getting any worse. Let me know if I need to become June from "The Handsmaid Tale" and lead a rebellion. I need to feel like this isn't hopeless.
You can start by calling your Reps, Senators, from either party and expressing your opinion. Try the "5 calls" app. Also you can show up at their district office in person.
Also, calling on the 5 calls app is great, but call district offices close to where you live as well. The GOP offices may not take your call... but calling the district offices rattles those fuckers. So do it.
Surely it must be clear that the reason why things held up this long was because we had leaders who recognized the line that shouldn't be crossed. Also, agencies were staffed with people who wouldn't cross any line. Other than impeachment and conviction, there never has been any barrier to this.
It seems to me the way forward is 1) electing a new president committed to the rule of law, 2) holding those people who violated the law, and are not subject to some form of immunity, accountable for their unlawful actions. This might go down to the level of individual employees who violated the law. "Following orders" is not an excuse or a defense. Finally, 3) in principle, if things get bad enough, we should not give up on the possibility of impeachment and conviction. Or at least impeachment after 2026. Even if this seems politically inconvenient or unlikely to result in removal, the moment requires impeachment proceedings.
The Democrats need to give daily press briefings and need to draft Articles of Impeachment. Citizens need to take to the streets and call it out for what it is. We still have agency to fight these undemocratic actions.
Thank you for this!!! As a government lawyer, I did feel the rupture. WHERE ARE OUR LEADERS? I've had cheap suits that didn't fold as fast as Chuck Schumer. What can we do? We need to get out on the streets. Check out for April 5 protests across the country. Our country has asked so little of so many of us. Please raise your voice.
Thanks for this, Ginny, but note that is the correct link. And you remind us all of JFK's famous pronouncement, never more critical than NOW:
"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man."
Ugh!! I blew that. Thank you for the correction.
"For the first time in modern American history, a sitting president openly defied a direct federal court order—and nothing happened. No intervention. No enforcement. No consequences. A legal ruling was issued, and the White House simply ignored it."
Where is the legislature on this? Impeach him. Let Congress go on record about whether the president (executive branch) can defy an oral and written court order.
America is descending into the rule of one man over the rule of laws. The laws are being ignored all in service to one man. And the people under that man have only one purpose - to serve him and do his bidding and NOT serve America or the American people. This will continue until the American people say enough and take back America.