Great read. Thank you for sharing.

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Thanks, Bobbi. Much appreciated.

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That boy from Mississippi can write!

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Thank you, Anne!

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Thanks very much

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Thank you for sharing this Stuart. A very good read for a Sunday afternoon.

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Much appreciated. Thanks for reading.

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😢💔 this touched me,

Isn't this the way of our world? Lost loves, lost lives, thank you for this, it moved me to tears -

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Thank you for reading.

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This was a wonderful short story for a Sunday afternoon…

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This evolving Civil War is between the Oligarchs and Middle Class America https://bit.ly/4ipr9bH

Who’s going to win? Cash or Class? The oligarchs are outnumbered and class will vote out the Nazis(aka Republicans)

Take the Oligarchs/Nazis out and then TAX THE SHIT OUT OF THEM

In the 1950’s the tax rate for the wealthy was 70%!!!! Today 42% in the US for the top 1% and that’s generous EU countries 50%

This is why we have a wealth gap in this country

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Stuart: This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing ✨🙏💜🏵️💫

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Thank you for reading!

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A lover's story that has a twist As Mahnoor said “Here you elect people to govern,” she said. “I love that about this country. You really do that. But in my country, leaders rule.” She said it with a flourish, her hand sweeping forward from the bed, as if greeting subjects from the balcony of the Maharishi’s court

To live in a country that votes for its leaders dictators cannot flourish So ask yourself is your vote SAFE? Will your vote be purged by vigilante challengers? Scared? Get Angry Protest

The Nazis(aka Republicans) SAVE Act and access to Americans private information The Nazis will use this information using AI to eliminate voters from the voting rolls with election consequences

We have the numbers they have the cash. The SAVE act will require proof of birth either by original birth certificate(who has that) or passport

The SAVE ACT will require people are asked to register or re-register to vote (31m do that every year….for various reasons change address/change county, change name with marriage) voters will have to prove they are citizens in order to vote This can be done in 2 ways: 1) proof of birth either by original birth certificate(who has that?) or 2 passport (12% have passports and are usually white and wealthy) What about women who have different last names now? Try to register if you do not have your original birth certificate because marriage licenses, military ID’s will not count This is why the Trump regime tried to do away with birthright citizenship

The result of the SAVE ACT: Massive drain of the voter rolls

Call your congressperson to vote against the SAVE ACT 202 224 3121

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This reminded me of the tragic, politically-motivated murder of Benazir Bhutto.

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We need good storytelling.

I've been watching Northern Exposure again and know you wrote a couple of the episodes. One of the best shows on TV in the early 90's.

The last episode I just watched was about a mayoral race. In this fictional town in rural Alaska of a little over 800 people, the biggest issue at hand during the election of the mayor is a stop sign.

The end of this episode brought tears (there is a lot of humor too) to my eyes knowing we are so very close to losing our democracy. We are the longest running democracy in the world at this time. The alternative would be horrible.

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Loved working on Northern Exposure. Such a great group to spend time with.

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Great writing, very moving story, thanks for sharing

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