Catching up on my podcasts. This was wonderful and I really enjoyed all your insights.

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Simon, I think your assessment that Trump is seen as a loser, pathetic, and weak is dead wrong. By his supporters I believe he is seen as someone who’s been victimized(as have they) by a system none of them believe in, and his political messaging, “I am your retribution” taps into a sense of revenge and justification that has them feel powerful. The Democrats have been outplayed and instead of fighting what is, you all ought to be creating a counter movement of fixing what’s wrong in our government so it’s more responsive and relevant in providing services that matter to people and does a much better job of connecting with and inspiring people people with communications that are clear, concise, and compelling. Where was the democratic leadership when Project 2025 was being created and Steve Bannon was organizing MAGA? I think you are incredibly naive in not recognizing all the factors, including psychological and cultural, that created the conditions for a convicted felon to be re-elected as our president. I think you also are living in denial in failing to recognize the inexplicable political instincts Trump possesses to connect with his base and to use the new media to his advantage. Recommend listening to Michael Cohen’s podcast with Alex Isenstadt, author of Revenge: The Inside Story of Trump’s Return to Power.

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I tend to agree that data nerds should tread carefully when asked to interpret the "meaning" of numbers (I know of what I speak, since I is one). I also agree that Cohen and Isenstadt have a much clearer grasp of what's going on in the heads of the True Believers: it's pure feral, reptilian id. To mix my species metaphors, we are just flawed little chimps that failed upwards and were lucky to be the last of genus homo standing. It is so EASY to tap straight into the fear-panic-violence core of the human brain to get us to "do something", since our survival used to depend on it. Careful analysis and consideration stands no chance in the face of the flying spittle from red-faced rage.

The implications of all this are not pleasant for the future, as there may be indications here that Democrats are going to have to adapt to the human realities and begin moving towards being exclusionary, defining "us and them", finding and persecuting enemies. That's what sells. The "Big Tent" failed, all it did was dilute what messaging could be developed because of the infinite number of factions at the table (or thought they should be at the table), it could not be balanced. It's crystal clear the Left has to find another way. My suggestion: consider getting nasty, just for shits and giggles. Subtly sneering at mouth-breathing knuckle-draggers is one thing (and our brand, let's face it), but when have we actually sought to harm them, as they have us? How? I dunno, tax churches? Tax the ever loving shit out of ammunition? Find novel ways to make life in rural counties, specifically, unlivable. Be creative. I think Michelle knows now that her high-minded, very risible, quote was ill-conceived. I'd bet now, privately, she would say "when they go low, we kick them right in the fucking scrotum".

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Would you consider having James Carville as a guest?

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Go for the gut!

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And Putin keeps Trump on hold for an hour. It's over, folks.

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Giving up Amazon and PayPal is hard. Giving up Tesla is easy.

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I love the conversation, especially about Trump's decline. Do you think Vance is the next biggest threat? He has strong links to Project 2025. It seems the plan was to use Trump as a puppet to get the Oval, get him out, and move Vance up and in.

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Beware the hopium, there be dragons.

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Great analysis! Hopeful.

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Where we're going better be left. Unless we move left, the Democrats are sunk. Listen to Bernie, change the conversation from Trump to corporate control of our government and bring people together over income disparity and the power of billionaires. Bernie's message appeals to the gut and the heart! We're not talking about electing him. We're talking about magnifying his message. He's drawing huge crowds in red states. Go with it! Stop fighting each other. Eat the b-aires before the b-aires eat you!

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This is not just about Trump; we need better, stronger Democrats in Congress and the Senate who do not alienate folks but listen to EVERYONE's concerns. We have an extreme left that consists of activists representing their pet interests, not policymakers who understand that you don't have to tear down anyone to represent everyone. Stop pointing to the villains and use your creative and innovative heroes. Find some intelligent folks who love this country and want to save it!

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Yes Simon! We need to be aggressive NOW! We can’t wait.

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Good job! Thank you. Old and sinking soon to be dead with the titanic.

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Joe, please stabilize your camera. Your points will be better made with this simple video technique.

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Joe, please stabilize your camera. Your points will be better made with this simple video technique.

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But don't you think, no matter what the poles say, he and his cronies want to and will fight to stay in power without future elections?

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What about veterans?? Where are they now that they’re being stomped on?

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