Is your vote SAFE? Will your vote be purged by vigilante challengers? Scared? Get Angry Protest
The Nazis(aka Republicans) SAVE Act and access to Americans private information The Nazis will use this information using AI to eliminate voters from the voting rolls with election consequences
We have the numbers they have the cash. The SAVE act will require proof of birth either by original birth certificate(who has that) or passport
The SAVE ACT will require people are asked to register or re-register to vote (31m do that every year….for various reasons change address/change county, change name with marriage) voters will have to prove they are citizens in order to vote This can be done in 2 ways: 1) proof of birth either by original birth certificate(who has that?) or 2 passport (12% have passports and are usually white and wealthy) What about women who have different last names now? Try to register if you do not have your original birth certificate because marriage licenses, military ID’s will not count This is why the Trump regime tried to do away with birthright citizenship
The result of the SAVE ACT: Massive drain of the voter rolls
Call your congressperson to vote against the SAVE ACT 202 224 3121
Yeah, but who owns Washington post and what good has that done getting out some truth? The people should own their network. If we build it, we will come.
Is your vote SAFE? Will your vote be purged by vigilante challengers? Scared? Get Angry Protest
The Nazis(aka Republicans) SAVE Act and access to Americans private information The Nazis will use this information using AI to eliminate voters from the voting rolls with election consequences
We have the numbers they have the cash. The SAVE act will require proof of birth either by original birth certificate(who has that) or passport
The SAVE ACT will require people are asked to register or re-register to vote (31m do that every year….for various reasons change address/change county, change name with marriage) voters will have to prove they are citizens in order to vote This can be done in 2 ways: 1) proof of birth either by original birth certificate(who has that?) or 2 passport (12% have passports and are usually white and wealthy) What about women who have different last names now? Try to register if you do not have your original birth certificate because marriage licenses, military ID’s will not count This is why the Trump regime tried to do away with birthright citizenship
The result of the SAVE ACT: Massive drain of the voter rolls
Call your congressperson to vote against the SAVE ACT 202 224 3121
Yeah, but who owns Washington post and what good has that done getting out some truth? The people should own their network. If we build it, we will come.