when they go low....expose them.

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Libtard nation. Fail

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Is there a comprehensive plan to both highlight the danger of authoritarianism AND articulate an alternate vision of the future? The right wing had a plan - Project 2025 - and used it as a framework for getting elected. What kind of future will people vote for? What does the majority care about? It doesn't seem that fighting against the oligarchy and kleptocrats is enough.

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We must fight any way we can this authoritarian regime. Please share with others. I just shawith 20 Democratic loving friends . They in turned shared with their friends.

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May just be me but I find your font selection difficult to read against the whir background.

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good idea. Good for you! Let’s kick some _____

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Does the $22.00 monthly payment I'm making to Lincoln Project automatically switch over to Lincoln Square?

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The ICC (International Criminal Court) can designate chump and his cabinet as a terrorist organization and can charge him and his cabinet for crimes against humanity, as well as war crimes for what he has done to UKRAINE and GAZA, LET ALONE HOW HE HAS TREATED IMMIGRANT DETAINEES

We ALL need to contact them demanding they be charged as a terrorist organization and Warrants issued for their arrest.

"The Hague court" typically refers to either the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, or the International Criminal Court (ICC), which prosecutes individuals for genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity

contact ICC https://www.icc-cpi.int/contact

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I just happily became a paid subscriber to LincolnSquare. But what happened to Reed Galen? Sometimes with you folks, people disappear without explanation and that's not a good look.

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Here's an idea for your consideration. I think that it's extremely important to start a conversation with the public, to illustrate just how this authoritarian administration is permeating State and Local governments. Fact: state of Floriduh legislature now has bill infront of them to: override local and county government decisions regarding development. Our state government knows Nothing about the small towns throughout this state. Our elected officials only see how they can ursurp the existing laws, to find a profit for themselves.

Trumps boldness has given red state governors, think DeSantis, the mindset that he can do whatever he wants and pass laws that take away even more individual freedoms. What his gop majority want to do is nothing short of paralysis Floridians so they have no voice in local matters.

The tricked down from this unlawful administrations is already having devastating effect locally.

Your voice COUNTS!

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You should work with adam kinzinger. He’s all in too

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A National Call to Action: Unite to Defend Democracy and Stop the Rise of American Authoritarianism

Fellow Americans,

The United States is under siege—not from a foreign adversary, but from within. The rise of Trumpism and the radical authoritarian movement behind him threatens to dismantle our democratic institutions, erase our fundamental rights, and place unchecked power into the hands of a corrupt oligarchy.

This is no longer about partisan politics—it is about the survival of democracy itself.

We must act. Now.

This is a movement for all who believe in truth, justice, and the American ideal of government by the people, for the people. We must engage locally and nationally, leveraging every available tool to resist the rise of authoritarian rule.

Join the Fight: Organizations to Support and Engage With

These organizations are on the front lines, fighting to protect democracy, civil liberties, and the rule of law. Get involved. Donate. Volunteer. Spread their message.

Defending Democracy and the Rule of Law

✅ Protect Democracy – https://protectdemocracy.org

✅ Brennan Center for Justice – https://www.brennancenter.org

✅ Common Cause – https://www.commoncause.org

✅ Indivisible – https://indivisible.org

Fighting for Civil Rights and Liberties

✅ American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) – https://www.aclu.org

✅ Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) – https://www.splcenter.org

✅ Human Rights Watch – https://www.hrw.org

✅ NAACP Legal Defense Fund – https://www.naacpldf.org

Combating Misinformation and Supporting Independent Journalism

✅ Media Matters for America – https://www.mediamatters.org

✅ ProPublica – https://www.propublica.org

✅ The Center for Media and Democracy – https://www.exposedbycmd.org

Defending Elections and Voting Rights

✅ Fair Fight Action – https://fairfight.com

✅ League of Women Voters – https://www.lwv.org

✅ Vote Save America – https://votesaveamerica.com

Legal Resistance and Advocacy Against Authoritarianism

✅ National Lawyers Guild (NLG) – https://www.nlg.org

✅ Democracy Forward – https://democracyforward.org

✅ Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law – https://www.lawyerscommittee.org

What You Can Do Right Now

📢 Spread the Word – Share this document widely. Email it, print it, post it in forums, and distribute it in your community.

📞 Contact Your Representatives – Demand action to protect democracy and oppose authoritarian policies. Call, email, and show up at town halls.

🗳 Mobilize for Elections – Register voters, volunteer for campaigns that defend democracy, and ensure fair elections in your community.

💰 Donate Where You Can – Even small contributions to these organizations help fund crucial legal battles, advocacy efforts, and grassroots organizing.

🛑 Refuse to Normalize Fascism – Speak out against propaganda, misinformation, and extremist rhetoric whenever you see it.

Time is running out. If we do not rise together now, we may not get another chance.

This is our country. Our democracy. Our fight.

Share. Organize. Resist.

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Yes it helps us keep hope when we can talk, ask questions or at least listen to these live conversations💙💙💙 Thank you!!!

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Lincoln needs to offer concrete reform concepts that voters can understand and imagine will actually improve government.

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Please add a quick way on home page to see what's new. Thanks!

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Just subscribed because I trust you Lincoln Square. Let’s gooooo!!!

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