I think the perception is starting to form and coalesce that he is literally crazy.

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Hey all. I don't have a lot of confidence that the fat orange one will allow 2026 elections to take place. Weather getting warmer, he's trying to push a lot through while congress is off on spring break. He actually wants to do the most damage right now and quickly. He wants us to go protest and he'll send in his little militia proud boys/oath keepers to start violence, then martial law will be implemented and all elections will be called off while the unrest is going on. And we're off the civil war races as they say. I wish I had a better outlook but I don't. I am will also be one of the protestors. I call my members of congress almost daily. I write letters to the editor which have been published multiple times...... so I'm using my little voice. You give me hope and keep me going. TY

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Since Elon says he never hurt anyone it'd be great to have a site where people could post how he's hurt them and others.

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I don’t know your husband, but from what I’ve seen from you, I’m thinking you are an excellent dad.

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Republicans are nihilists

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Because of Lincoln Square, half of my “To Do” list for yesterday went undone. I just couldn’t tear myself away from all the interesting guests. Thanks, guys!

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What we are all missing is that to return to sanity, we will need to win over republican opposition. As we are all aware that changing people's thinking from opposition(us against them)is impossible. What needs to be highlighted are the stories of veterans and trump supporters who have been laid off and fired due to the COPOTUS' populist poorly thought out decisions. These populist ploys(appeals to fears, patriotism for example) are easily deconstructed. Ploys are trump's go to MAGA and fringe consolidation of support tactic. Unless we know these tactics we are susceptible to them. More stories of laid from federal service, veterans and trump supporters! This is the path to affect real change in thinking, from apposition rather than opposition.

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As a retired federal employee, I don’t think many Americans have much sympathy for laid-off federal workers, even veterans. They believe that we spend all day hanging out around the water cooler. I think the focus should be on what the public loses when those employees aren’t on the job: veterans contemplating suicide who can’t reach a live human being on the crisis hotlines, the entire staff that safeguards our nuclear arsenal being gone, planes colliding in midair because of cuts to the FAA, National Parks being trashed because there are no Park employees to maintain them, e-coli outbreaks because there are no ag inspectors, epidemics of measles and bird flu when the staff of the CDC has been decimated, people not being able to receive Social Security because of cuts to that agency, etc., etc.

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I hear your point and it actually works in conjunction with the point I'm trying to make. MAGA faithful will not hear logic or fact from opposition! I've experienced trying to reason with trumps party(some in my family circle) with zero zip nada impact. My belief is that the hardened MAGA party will only concede his failures when it arrives via their own personal experiences. Fired Veterans, Maga faithful, farmers for example whom are experiencing hardships due to poor populist decisions/ploys. As a retired Fed. emp. your opinion is valued.

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Please don't talk over other people.....seriously! Everyone should have an opportunity to speak, one person's thoughts are not more important than another's.....thanks

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Good if Joe had a chance to speak too.

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Y’all are scaring the hell out of me!

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Why have a constitution if it can so easily be overrun, WTH?

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They went after Barrett thinking she might be more easily cowed going forward because she is a woman. Clearly they have not paid attention to the rallies and protests springing up; I would estimate that 70% of the participants are women of a “certain age.” Threaten us at your peril; we vote at the highest level of any group, and are willing to brave the cold and threats.

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The GOP Senators are afraid of violent attack from MAGA. Not an excuse, just an explanation.

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I am glad that you have started this substack streaming. I wish you good luck. Having lived in the US during the Clinton and Bush presidencies, I am shocked by what is happening today.

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Why dissing Justice Barrett? She was hired to be MAGA handmaiden. How dare handmaiden

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