The replacement for Schumer and Pelosi must be AOC, Jasmine Crockett and Bernie Sanders. Full stop. All the others are totally absolutely old corporate hacks and contributed to the current dumpster fire that is USA today.

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If you replace Schumer and Pelosi, I hope you're not thinking of Bernie Sanders as a reliable replacement or any super left individual.

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I have said elsewhere that what is necessary now is an organization that is not a politcal party. I call it the US Citizen Party, not a political party mission. Our mission is to get our Democracy back from the militant and dedicated Fascists who have indeed been actively, however, covertly, undermining our nation since JFK's assassination. What would you think if I posit that his assassination might have been the first overt act by this cabal? Because as a 77/yo senior who was born the same year as Israel, it's been downhill ever since. Who ran against LBJ? Barry Goldwater, that's who. He was 60 years before his time. Barry Goldwater today would be Mitch McConnell on steroids. But - if I am going to write this much, I should do it in my own Substack. So I shall.

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The Dems have been fighting the inferno with a garden hose. Even the New York Times is pontificating as if they are at a tea party, discussing the issues like, "ooh, look at the laws they are violating, and wait for the judges that are going to set them straight". NO! The judges are being ignored. The journalists can't keep analyzing the issues as if we were in a civil society because we are no long there. You are the only ones that are concretely talking about the real issues like they are. Unfortunately, the Dems are our only hope but can we shake them to their senses?

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I second Mr. Trippi’s encouragement to join https://sez.us/

Earlier today, a group of my friends who are looking for ways to be useful in the pro-Democracy fight took part in a zoom session about SezUs — we’re a bunch of women “of a certain age”, with little to no experience in social media. Within minutes after our zoom session ended, several of the group had already signed up and started using the site.

The sense of engaging with a community via SezUs is just that palpable!

Thanks to Robin @sezushelp for the very welcoming zoom session.

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Appreciate you bringing on Reed but to be honest, I never gain much from listening to him.

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Right, there are green shoots out there & in Congress & the old guard like Pelosi & others push them down, silence them, refuse to let them blossom into leadership. Look what Pelosi did to AOC when she made a bid to be top Dem on the Oversight Committee. We, the voting public HATED her for that.

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We, us common voters, are sick to death of the “donor class” & sick of the DC “consultant class” who obviously don’t know shit about real working people.

Jesus H Christ men* it’s NOT about abortion in WI, it’s about women’s fucking LIVES. It’s about keeping women pregnant & out of the workforce, preventing us from competing for college admissions, competing for jobs. It’s also very much about preventing everyone’s voting rights from being gerrymandered away!!!! When you say “Oh, it’s just about abortion & that’s not enough” how the hell do you think that makes women feel??? You don’t give a shit if your daughter dies from a miscarriage?

How heartless are you?

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Thank you Joe and Alex. I appreciate what Reed is telling us. However, I take absolute objection that Harris in 2024 wasn't trying to present something different to the American electorate. For sure we did not make Trump the horrific person he is. Also the fact the GOP has for GENERATIONS has told society how bad Democrats are. I didn't listen to the complete podcast as I am sick and tired of Republicans past and present telling me how bad the Dems are. Perhaps the dis-information & $216 M Musk threw in the last week or so of the campaigning was discussed. THAT was a huge issue. Moving forward - I am glad The Never Trumpers, the new Independents are now a team for Pro-Democracy. Yes, our party needs to reform itself and move forward. My 2 cents, I am a grassroots activist and am doing all that I can do; its time to just frikin' do it. I absolutely do not need to hear more about what we did or are doing wrong. I'm pretty sure those of us that are subscribers are well aware of the issues. Maybe get this out to those that are not the choir. I write this with all good intent. Thank you.

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Reed -- why is it Dems always have to clean up your messes, why do Dems have to be better. Come -- admit "it was all a lie" admit you guys have always had this evil lurking... Now you want to purge which we are happy about; but, stop being disappointed totally in the left... be shocked at what you guys wrought -- and so glad you have joined the good fight

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WE have to treat the "omg" people who now realize what Trump is like victims of abuse...compassion, understanding, empathy

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The old guard MUST go!! Schumer & Pelosi have to go!! We are sick of the top leadership being bought by corporations, it has to stop 🛑

If the DNC, DCCC, DLCC wonders why donations are down….? Listen to us, we are telling you why. Replace Schumer, tell him not to run again, Pelosi cannot run again.

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Reed makes a stupid statement that democracy is not working for many people. We already are in an oligarchy or, as Peter Thiel calls it, Corporate Feudalism masquerading as democracy. We have elections, but regardless of how we vote, Congress always represents the donors, not the voters. Furthermore, it's not democracy that fails the working class but our fake capitalism. Capitalism does not work without real competition in a free market, markets free of fraud and corruption, not free of policing. Capitalist without competition is feudalism in capitalism's clothing.

It's time to recognize that the problem is not Trump but his enablers starting with the court that put a "For Sale" sign on government with Citizens United and other perversions of the Constitution.

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So glad Lincoln Square is here...

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Good podcast. Reed is on it.

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Nazis have long been concerned about being silenced and not being able to express their conservative opinions So the diatribes go….being bullied, “thought police” But it’s not that they have been silenced it’s just that their opinions are often so outrageous that they are laughable eg Fox and Friends

So there is a Nazi attack on free speech If the Nazis don’t like what you say then it’s not free speech Complete HYPOCRISY

It’s not about free speech it’s about their protected speech….the Nazi free speech of propaganda

Networks should lose their FCC licenses Judges with differing opinions should be impeached Banning news organizations who don’t go along with the Nazi talking points Going after law firms that don’t favor the regime’s propaganda line Students with green cards who protest with differing opinions should be thrown out of the country because “they are agitators who don’t love our country” Universities should lose federal grant money if they dare speak out against the Nazi regime Take over the Kennedy Center for Continuing Arts to even control the art’s free speech and have only shows that are deemed “appropriate”

But billionaire/oligarchic Nazis protect social media such as X, Meta, and Tik Tok because it’s algorithmic, simply a machine that directs your attention It’s planned Nazi propaganda And it’s not free speech Billionaires are literally rewiring our thinking to solidify their power grab

This is what it looks like living in a dictatorship in the 21st century Fox channel is the only channel available and X will be the social media platform WAKE UP AMERICA

From Jon Stewart March 24 2025 Daily Show https://bit.ly/41IXEvA

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